Security Management chapter of POPP has been updated with Security Policy and Framework of Accountability for UNDP Managers and Personnel within the UN Security Management System. The revised Security Policy focuses on ”how to stay rather than when to go.” It is about the management rather than the avoidance of risk. It also encompasses issues regarding the complementarity between UNDSS and Security Office/BoM, and clarification on access to security funds, medical and casualty evacuations and lines of authority. The purpose of the Framework for Accountability is to provide clear guidance on h ...
Security Management chapter of POPP has been updated with Security Policy and Framework of Accountability for UNDP Managers and Personnel within the UN Security Management System. The revised Security Policy focuses on ”how to stay rather than when to go.” It is about the management rather than the avoidance of risk. It also encompasses issues regarding the complementarity between UNDSS and Security Office/BoM, and clarification on access to security funds, medical and casualty evacuations and lines of authority. The purpose of the Framework for Accountability is to provide clear guidance on how to enable the conduct of UNDP activities within the United Nations Security Management System, while ensuring the safety, security and well-being of personnel, premises and assets.