An offeror, or a prospective, registered or actual supplier, contractor or provider of goods, services and/or works to UNDP. Vendors may include individuals, private or public entities, whether parent, holding, subsidiary, affiliate, and may be a consortium, partnership, a government agency or a non-governmental organization. Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations acting as UNDP Implementing Partners, and Responsible Parties as well as grantees receiving grants or prize challenges or similar form, directly from UNDP, are also considered Vendors. The following are considered Vendors. Agents: Agents include Employees, officers, advisers, representatives, owners, shareholders or subcontractors of the Vendor for which the Vendor is responsible under this Policy. The following are not consideered vendors.Individuals or entities described as “vendors” solely for Atlas/Quantum purposes, where all payees are referred to as “vendors”. For any payee for whom a purchase order is to be raised or to whom a payment will be made, a vendor record has to be properly set up in Atlas. This includes international or national staff members, who are not “vendors” for the purposes of this Policy.Individuals or entities, other than Agents, that are, and with whom UNDP does not have a direct contractual or financial relation with UNDP, or where UNDP’s sole role is to issue a payment on behalf of a partner.Individuals or entities contracted by other agencies, funds and programmes that report into the UNGM. UNDP Service Contract, and PSA holders are not considered Vendors for the purposes of these procedures.