This invoice is one that has been matched; has a valid budget status; and is posted. A voucher need only have valid budget status to be recorded in KK.
UNDP staff and other persons engaged by UNDP under other contractual arrangements to perform services for UNDP programme activities or for programme support.
Positive pay is a process used to combat cheque fraud. With this service a company transmits a file of issued cheque information to the bank soon after its issuance to the payee. The bank matches cheque serial numbers and amounts of cheques presented for payments against the issue file and pays only those cheques that match. Exceptions are conveyed to the company for disposition. Some positive pay services match against the payee field as well as the serial number and amount, in an effort to detect altered payees.
The document approved by the Executive Board that describes the framework for UNDP programme activities, and indicates the proposed UNDP resources to achieve results during a specified period. Programme documents are prepared at the country level in cooperation with the Government of that country, as well as at regional and global levels.
UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules document defines 'property, plant and equipment' as tangible assets held for use in the activities of UNDP or for administrative purposes and expected to be used during more than one financial period. The Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) policy document provides further details of the term 'property, plant and equipment' as a tangible or physically verifiable item that meets ALL the following five criteria: a) Provides future economic or service benefits to UNDP – i.e. the PP&E item is held for use in the implementation of UNDP Programmes or for administrative purposes; b) Is expected to be used during more than one reporting period, which, is 12 months; c) Has a value of US$5,000 (US$5,000 for UNCDF too) or more (New Capitalization Threshold effective as of 01.01.2020); d) Is used and controlled by UNDP; and e) Has a cost that can be reliably determined.
A legal obligation arising from a contract, agreement, or other form of undertaking by UNDP or based on a liability recognized by UNDP. Such obligations are represented in Quantum by Purchase Orders (PO).All POs must be supported by legally binding obligations and contracts, entered into with third parties, within the relevant period, for goods and services required by UNDP. All supporting documents should be available for review by internal and external auditors. Purchase orders should reflect budget periods in which the goods and services are expected to be received.