Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Gestion des partenariats
Source: EU Reporting
Source: EU Reporting
Source: Rental Subsidy
Source: Executive Board Papers
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Transport Maritime et Assurance
Source: Salary Increments
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Habilitation de sécurité
Source: Recovery of Overpayments
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Fellowship
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Politique d’évaluation
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Pension Fund
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Rapprochement de compte bancaire
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Certificat de travail
Source: Cessation d’emploi
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Clôture et Transition
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Management of Zero-Balance Account System
Source: Établir des rapports
Source: Comptes créditeurs
Source: Accounts Receivable
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Congé annuel
Source: Congé dans les foyers
Source: Sick Leave
Source: Family Leave
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Contrat de services
Source: International Personnel Services Agreement
Source: National Personnel Services Agreement
Source: Partner Personnel Services Agreement
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Staff Assessment
Source: Change Control and Release Management Standards
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Elements of Remuneration
Source: Concours d’Innovation
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Career Transitions
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Politique de sécurité
Source: Executive Board Papers
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Executive Board Papers
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Mobility
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Elements of Remuneration
Source: Engagement temporaire
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Chartered Medical Evacuation Travel (CMET)
Source: Politique d’évaluation
Source: Executive Board Papers
Source: Examiner et Approuver
Source: Mise en œuvre nationale
Source: Mobility
Source: Facilité d’engagement
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Gestion des fonds communs
Source: Fondations
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Hospitality Expense
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Gestion des fonds communs
Source: Pipeline Management
Source: Gestion Parallèle des Fonds
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Receipt of Goods, Services and Works
Source: Indemnisation en Cas de Décès
Source: Compensation for Death, Injury or Illness – Appendix D
Source: Post Adjustment
Source: Hospitality Expense
Source: Extended Monthly Evacuation Allowance (EMEA)
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Pipeline Management
Source: Gestion des partenariats
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Méthodes d’approvisionnement
Source: Mise en œuvre nationale
Source: Planification annuelle
Source: Mobility
Source: Mobility
Source: Mobility
Source: Mobility
Source: Transport Maritime et Assurance
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs)
Source: Management of Zero-Balance Account System
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance
Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Opérations de trésorerie
Source: Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance
Source: Recovery of Overpayments
Source: Gestion des fonds fiduciaires
Source: Gestion des partenariats
Source: Congé pour allaitement maternel
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Planification annuelle
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Gestion du contenu normatif
Source: Politique d’évaluation
Source: Portfolio
Source: Mobility
Source: Mobility
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Achats Responsables
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
Source: Information Disclosure
Source: Career Transitions
Source: Safe Driving Bonus (SDB)
Source: Language Allowance
Source: Prime de danger
Source: Prime de rapatriement
Source: Indemnité d’installation
Source: Gestion du contenu normatif
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Produire des résultats
Source: EU Reporting
Source: Rapports financiers certifiés
Source: Rapprochement de compte bancaire
Source: Rapprochement de compte bancaire
Source: Mise en œuvre nationale
Source: UNDP ICT Standards
Source: Recovery of Overpayments
Source: Pensionable Remuneration
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Rest and Recuperation
Source: Délégation de Pouvoirs
Source: Information Classification and Handling
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Allocation of TRAC 3 Resources for Crisis Engagements
Source: Retroactivity of Payments
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Management of Local Investments
Source: Management of Local Investments
Source: Management of Local Investments
Source: Management of Local Investments
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Mobility
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Electronic Signatures Policy
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Internship
Source: Gestion des stocks
Source: Suivre
Source: Night Differential
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Mise en compétition
Source: Gérer les Changements
Source: Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems
Source: Transport Maritime et Assurance
Source: Clôture et Transition
Source: Recovery of Overpayments
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
Source: Career Transitions
Source: Family Visit
Source: Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines
Source: Medical Evacuation Travel (MET)
Source: Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework