The updated HACT POPP is now available. The summary of the major changes and their implication on UNDP Offices are: Revision of the micro assessment threshold from $300k per programme cycle to $150k per annum (for partners already engaged in 2021 where the assessment cannot be performed because implementation is already underway, offices should upload a Note to File confirming the experience so far with the partner has not highlighted any risks that warrant a change in the implementation or cash transfer modality) and follow the prescriptive guidelines for non-assessed partners;The approv ...
The updated HACT POPP is now available. The summary of the major changes and their implication on UNDP Offices are:
- Revision of the micro assessment threshold from $300k per programme cycle to $150k per annum (for partners already engaged in 2021 where the assessment cannot be performed because implementation is already underway, offices should upload a Note to File confirming the experience so far with the partner has not highlighted any risks that warrant a change in the implementation or cash transfer modality) and follow the prescriptive guidelines for non-assessed partners;
- The approved micro assessment and assurance activity plans (generated from the HACT SharePoint site) should be uploaded to the site semi-annually no later than end of February and end of July every year have been added in para 27 (m);
- Written approval of the Head of Office for cash transfers up to $150k issued to non-assessed partners who meet the threshold; written approval of the respective bureau for cash transfers exceeding $150k to none-assessed partners who meet the threshold have been added in para 27 (e);
- The frequency of submitting Assurance plans has been changed from annually to semi-annually, being no later than the end of February and July of every year, has been added in para 40 (a). This will ensure continuous monitoring and revision of assurance plans;
- Regarding spot checks, offices are now required to conduct the spot checks for Partners with actual expenditures incurred and reported exceeding $50,000 per year. This is indicated in para 6 and 40;
- Spot checks may be performed by qualified, experienced UNDP staff who are independent of the project for Partners below the micro assessment threshold ($150,000 per annum). However, the staff would need to obtain clearance in writing by their respective bureaus after confirmation of their experience, qualification and independence to the project;
- A revision to the frequency of audits has been added in para 6 and Table 2 where Partners that are risk rated “Low” and “Medium”, an internal control audit should be conducted at least once every other year if annual expenditure exceeds $200,000 per year. For Partners that are risk rated “Significant” and Unassessed Partners, financial audits should be conducted every year when expenditures exceed $200,000 per year. For Partners that are “High” risk rated, OFM’s written clearance is required to engage and issue cash transfers to the partner; otherwise DIM audit guidelines apply if Direct Implementation or Full Country Office Support to NIM is selected.