For greater efficiency and better financial tracking, offices are now able to set up multi-year POs for projects that have future year resources and budgets. This allows UNDP to better track deliverables of a supplier for a given procurement action through a single PO reference. When raising multi-year PO lines in Atlas, offices must ensure that corresponding multi-year budget and resources are available. For projects where Annual Spending Limits (ASLs) are limited to one year, multi-year PO lines should not be used.Previously, goods or services, which are expected to be received over more tha ...
For greater efficiency and better financial tracking, offices are now able to set up multi-year POs for projects that have future year resources and budgets. This allows UNDP to better track deliverables of a supplier for a given procurement action through a single PO reference. When raising multi-year PO lines in Atlas, offices must ensure that corresponding multi-year budget and resources are available. For projects where Annual Spending Limits (ASLs) are limited to one year, multi-year PO lines should not be used.
Previously, goods or services, which are expected to be received over more than one financial period, a separate PO had to be raised for each of the respective financial periods, and offices were requested to close POs annually. Multi-year contracts for projects were also maintained outside Atlas. Such requirements are no longer relevant. For questions on this process, please contact Helen Hall at, the Chief of Account, Office of Financial Resources Management, Bureau for Management Services.